Fungicide control is one of the most underrated, underused lawn disease treatments. Ever wonder how golf courses look immaculately green without the interruption of fungi and other common lawn diseases? Want to know the truth behind having the best green lawn on the block? Do you have what it takes to elevate your lawn above the rest of the competition on block?
Some of the most destructive, pulverizing lawn disease can be controlled by a strong, fungicide program. Stewart Landscape’s fungicide program will help prevent and control destructive lawn diseases such as: dollar spot, leafsSpot, red thread, brown patch, and summer patch.
How to find Leaf Spot
Leaf spot, otherwise known as “melting-out diseases” are provoked by a special group of fungi. This group is referred to as Helminthosporium. Every season, our grass species are prone to a leaf spotting or “melting-out” effect. You can start to see this attack when your grass starts to become burnt out or consumed by burned brown spots. During the summer months, leaf spotting can attack nearly every turf species, tall fescue, and ryegrass are especially prone to this attack. However, it’s advised to keep a close watch in late spring through the summer months for the extreme damage and activity.
How to find Dollar Spot
Many lawn care diseases, once appearing only on golf courses, are now appearing commonly on our home lawns. On our home turf, cut at 1 to 3 inches, with light tan or white dead areas reaching 2 to 4 inches in distance, are good indicators of having dollar spot. These spots can ultimately produce large areas of dead turf. The most severe cases of dollar spot may occur during the muggy summer months on turf receiving a closely-spaced water source. This may also occur if your turf doesn’t have a proper irrigation source as the humidity can overtake your turf. Dollar spot is most direct when under a nitrogen deficiency or when your grass grows too slow.
How to find Red Thread
This common lawn fungus is prevalent amongst perennial ryegrass and fine fescue. These are the two most susceptible species of turf to this disease. There is a good chance you may notice these unsightly red/pinkish blotches on your turf as you went to get the mail, or as you may walk up to your door when you arrive home from work. Other contributing factors to the cause of red thread are insufficient nitrogen levels, and poor drainage of the turf. The more moisture on your lawn, the higher the probability of red thread occurring on your property is, or any disease for that matter.
With the combination of high summer temperatures, high humidity levels, and inconsistent rain fall, the chances of developing a lawn care disease is always probable in the summer lawn care months. Fescue and ryegrass are especially exposed to developing red thread, leaf spot and dollar spot during the summer months. Factors that can increase the likelihood of developing this harmful lawn disease are mowing at the wrong height, poor turf drainage, and improper watering. Stewart Landscape offers a preventative and post application fungicide program to handle your lawn’s fungicide needs to help aid in lawn fungus control. We look to provide you with the most personalized information pertaining to your lawn possible fungus outbreak during each visit to your property. If any of our technicians notice this fungus activity on your lawn, we will be sure to make your aware of its presence, and any actions that need to be taken to resolve this issue.
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